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March 8th, 2017    
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

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In the next Health Special Interest Group (SIG), we’re diving into the ever-expanding world of social media. We’ll explore how to develop a channel strategy to ensure you’re reaching your very diverse audiences – including staff, physicians, patients, health consumers, and donors – efficiently and effectively.

Join us as we welcome special guest Denie Leech, Director, Digital Engagement, SFU as we examine experiences and learnings from outside of health care.

About this Special Interest Group

Our IABC/BC Health SIG offers an informal, safe, confidential and supportive venue to receive feedback and exchange ideas on day-to-day challenges in health communications. We strive to be inclusive — all are welcome to attend from students to senior practitioners and those looking for a career change into health communications. No problem is too small or too big to warrant input and discussion. We strive to keep sessions focused, constructive and relevant.