Going Digital and Being Connected

Plans to celebrate the 40th anniversary of IABC/BC with a gala were put on hold when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. But the chapter found ways to celebrate - including holding several social events over Zoom, including yoga, an online Balderdash game and a holiday party.

Milestones & Memories

IABC/BC members on frontline of pandemic response

IABC/BC members on frontline of pandemic response

Vice President José Vargas was not only serving on the executive board of IABC/BC but he was also part of the communications team supporting the Provincial Health Service Authority's (PHSA) response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Vargas said: "One thing the pandemic underscored was the vital role communicators play in crisis response, crisis management and health system capacity sustainment through public health campaigns. During B.C.'s pandemic response, strategic communicators were not only at the heart of every organization and sitting at leadership tables, but they were also key players in health emergency operations centres—or, "EOCs"—across the province. EOCs allowed for one common language to be used during emergency response as well as timely coordination across the health system, decision making and issue resolution. All of these elements supported the critical work and safety of our frontline healthcare workers and patients."

IABC/BC wins Large Chapter of the Year

IABC/BC wins Large Chapter of the Year

IABC BC received Awards of Excellence in the categories of Engaging Students & Young Professionals and Mentoring, in addition to Awards of Merit in the categories of Sponsorships/Partnerships and Strategic Planning. The total score of winning entries earned them the award of 2020 Large Chapter of the Year.

IABC/BC members were on the frontline of the pandemic response

IABC/BC members were on the frontline of the pandemic response

Vice President José Vargas was not only serving on the executive board of IABC/BC but he was also part of the communications team supporting the Provincial Health Service Authority's (PHSA) response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Vargas said: "One thing the pandemic underscored was the vital role communicators play in crisis response, crisis management and health system capacity sustainment through public health campaigns. During B.C.'s pandemic response, strategic communicators were not only at the heart of every organization and sitting at leadership tables, but they were also key players in health emergency operations centres—or, "EOC's"—across the province. EOCs allowed for one common language to be used during emergency response as well as timely coordination across the health system, decision making and issue resolution. All of these elements supported the critical work and safety of our frontline healthcare workers and patients."

Let's all Zoom

Let's all Zoom

Zoom conference calling soon became the norm in offices in Vancouver and around the world. After March 2020, IABC/BC held all their 2020 events online.

Storytellers share their own stories with My IABC Story

The chapter created a series of videos featuring stories about chapter members and their experiences. #myIABCStory shares the journeys of all kinds of IABC/BC members, and we hope you enjoy watching them at iabc.bc.ca/myiabcstory/.

The launch of the 40th anniversary timeline

The 2021 AGM saw the launch of the 40th anniversary timeline. This timeline will continue to evolve as more memories are made.

Let's have some fun

Let's have some fun

While it became easy to bring people together online for professional development during the COVID-19 pandemic, people were missing social connections. IABC/BC hosted a number of fun, social gatherings, including an online Balderdash game featuring communications-themed words.

The 2020s Events

2020 Events

Event Name: Climate, Conflict and COVID-19: Crisis Communication in the New Decade

May 2020 @ Zoom

Three communicators with first-hand experience in the world of crisis communications helped others navigate the crises we all found ourselves in. The three communicators were Heather Amos, Lauren Girdler and Jennifer Sandford. Heather Amos is a Communications Officer for the BC Centre for Disease Control (BC CDC) at the Provincial Health Services Authority, and is part of the team involved in COVID-19 communication. Lauren Girdler is a Communications Advisor at Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and was part of the team responsible for the Big Bar Landslide communication. Jennifer Sandford is the National Content Curator/Media Spokesperson/Podcast Host at Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) and manages the company’s COVID-19 response. Previously, she also worked as the national media spokesperson for WestJet, and developed the company’s culture-based emergency response strategy.

2021 Events

Timeline Sponsors

Many thanks to our generous lead sponsor Graphically Speaking for managing this project.


If you are interested in becoming a Timeline sponsor, please email sponsors@iabc.bc.ca

Building the Chapter’s
40-Year Timeline

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