Who we are

IABC/BC is a vibrant community of professionals working in communication and marketing related disciplines driving business results through strategic communication. We support each other – across industries and regions – through sharing knowledge, leading on best practices, formal and informal mentoring, certification and awards.

World-wide, IABC is a strategically-oriented organization, and our chapter is aligned with the direction of IABC Canada and our international community. Working in close connection with IABC Canada and IABC International, our chapter strives to be the preferred organization for communication professionals within British Columbia, bringing like-minded individuals together to share and learn from one another.

With over 400 members in British Columbia, we are one of the largest IABC chapters in the world.


Our Volunteer Team

Here in the BC chapter of IABC our team consists of the executive leadership (President, Vice President, Past President and Finance Director), a board of directors, portfolio managers and other volunteers. We believe that team work makes the dream work so we strive to have lots of talented professionals collaborating together towards common goals.

Meet our current Chapter board


Our Brand

As a brand and as a community, we aim to connect our members to each other and provide them with a friendly, welcoming and supportive network, as well as provide knowledge resources to help them learn, grow and keep up with the constantly changing communications landscape.

Connector: We connect peer with peer, people with knowledge and resources, members with jobs. These connections allow us to build deeper relationships over time.

Knowledge resource: Our members have a wealth of knowledge and freely share it to help each other. IABC also has incredible online best practices resources that are available to members.

Friendly and welcoming: People find it easy to connect and build relationships. They feel part of the communications tribe.

Supportive: We support each other and the development of our members through mentorship programs, awards/recognition, professional and career development opportunities, and sharing


Get In Touch

Whether you are a member or not, you can sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on everything happening in our chapter. You can also email us with any queries that you have.

  • Grow your network. Expand your knowledge. Share your skills.

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  • Grow your network.
    Expand your knowledge.
    Share your skills.

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