Category Archives: Career Development

How to create an infographic in 5 steps

By Mona Lee
July 18, 2024

If video is the most popular visual marketing content, then why should you include infographics in your branding strategy? Here are statistics on why they are worthwhile. These are convincing… Read more

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Congratulations to the 2024 Wave Award nominees!

By Jane Campbell
April 12, 2024

Pictured top row left to right: Alison Müller, Mariel Dela Cruz, Michaela Davies, Mona Lee, Bulla Islam. Bottom row left to right: Naseam Thorseth, Sherry Sheffman, Stephanie Dunn, Carson Keller,… Read more

How to get your manager say yes to a professional certification

By Jessie Scheele
December 1, 2020

So, you’re committed to earning a professional certification as business communicator. Great! And now you like support from your manager to pay for your exam fees. Easy-peasy, right? Here are… Read more

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professional certification

Brenda Lea Brown: Take your career to the next level with certification

May 9, 2019

  After more than 20 years of working in the field, Brenda Lea Brown still loves working in corporate communications: “The time as flown by so quickly,” she says with… Read more

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5 steps to certification: how to prep for the CMP exam

By Rachel Wong, CMP
February 14, 2017

There are now over 65 certified communicators, four of them IABC members located in British Columbia. Getting from the Communications Management Professional (CMP) application stage to the certification stage takes… Read more

Top 7 Ways to Get Connected & Meet Your 2017 Career Goals

By Jeanette LeBlanc
January 3, 2017

As a member in my 7th year with IABC/BC, I’ve met many awesome people, made quality connections and gained considerable experience to grow my career as well. Now the Vice… Read more