Category Archives: Tips & Tricks

How to create an infographic in 5 steps

By Mona Lee
July 18, 2024

If video is the most popular visual marketing content, then why should you include infographics in your branding strategy? Here are statistics on why they are worthwhile. These are convincing… Read more

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5 Tips for Writing More Effective Video Scripts

By Andrew Muir. Abridged version by Mona Lee.
May 19, 2024

With the growing popularity of short form video content, video script writing is an indispensable craft and an essential skill that communicators can add to their toolbelts. A video script… Read more

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5 Resources To Help Improve Your Mental Health

By Jenna Ross, Content Manager
May 4, 2021

The past year has been exhausting and emotional. From health concerns to social isolation to financial stress, there’s been a lot to adapt to. And for communicators, rapidly changing conditions… Read more

mental health

Sharpening Your SEO Skills in 2021: An Interview with Josh Loewen (Part 2 of 2)

By Jenna Ross, Content Manager
April 24, 2021

Josh Loewen is an SEO guru, and has been operating his digital marketing agency The Status Bureau since 2006. In the first half of our interview, we covered his top… Read more

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seo skills

Top SEO Tips for Businesses: An Interview with Josh Loewen (Part 1 of 2)

By Jenna Ross, Content Manager
March 29, 2021

Josh Loewen is really into digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). He’s spent the last 16 years honing his craft, and co-founded his agency The Status Bureau in 2006…. Read more

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Josh Loewen

Crisis Communications: Key Takeaways From Our Virtual Event

By Jenna Ross, Content Manager
May 2, 2020

Do the complexities of COVID-19 communications have your head spinning? Fear not, we’re here to help!   Last week, IABC/BC held a virtual event entitled “Climate, Conflict and COVID-19: Crisis… Read more

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crisis communications

Keeping on Top of Social

By Sheldon McRae, IABC/BC Digital Marketing and Communications Coordinator
October 9, 2019

Social media is constantly changing, and it’s a definite challenge to know where to go for the latest hot tips. I’m new to my volunteer role as a Digital Marketing… Read more

How to lead when you’re feeling burned out

By Gillian Hobbs
March 17, 2017

From time to time, we all feel pulled in different directions, with work deadlines, family commitments and other life events all demanding our focus and attention. Over the course of… Read more

5 Questions to Get Back to You