2015 Wave Award Recipients and Nominees

Back to Blogs Posted: June 1, 2015

IABC_WAVE_Logo_FINAL_MyriadThe Wave Awards are IABC/BC’s signature awards program, designed to recognize the people behind the great work in our chapter. Each year, we recognize communicators who have demonstrated excellence either in their day-to-day work, in their contributions to the chapter, or in support of a community cause. The program also recognizes achievements at different stages in a communicator’s career.

Making Waves

ElizabethWoff EvanDuxbury
Recipient: Elizabeth Woff
Evan Duxbury


LaurieDawkins RobynCrisanti
 Recipient: Laurie Dawkins, ABC
Robyn Crisanti, ABC


Rena Kendall-Craden Robyn Sussel
Rena Kendall-Craden
Robyn Sussel


Ripple Effect

Robyn Sussel
Recipient: Robyn Sussel | @RobynSussel


NancyPainterABC PeterRoaf
 Nancy Painter, ABC
Peter Roaf, ABC, MC


Master Communicator

Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams


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