40 Ways to Mark IABC/BC’s 40th Anniversary

Back to Blogs By Adam Brayford, SCMP Posted: January 8, 2020


It’s our birthday…

If you’re anything like me, you suffer from a case of ‘communicator’s math‘, a malady that impairs the region of the brain responsible for arithmetic. It makes it challenging to complete particularly heinous algebraic calculation or – to my dismay – to recall which anniversary my husband and I are celebrating on any given year.

It is for this reason that I am delighted to preside over an IABC/BC year in which our chapter is celebrating the easiest birthday to recall ever:


In 2020, IABC/BC turns 40.

(Editor’s note: Actually, our chapter’s origins go back even further than that. But you can expect an entire upcoming post dedicated to that story.)

Actually, IABC/BC Director of Career Development Denise Leech (the volunteer who, among other contributions, connects to you to CMP and SCMP certification) would scold me for diminishing Communication professionals with clichés about math. And she’s quite right– the impact that communicators have on BC’s businesses is measurable and significant. IABC/BC members from across BC serve as trusted advisors to leaders in their organizations, connecting business goals to shifts in audience behaviour and perception.


And behind them is IABC.

For 40 years, IABC/BC has offered its members opportunities for professional development and connection to propel their career and personal satisfaction forward. As we head into our 40th year, our Board, volunteers and 40th Anniversary Steering Committee Chair Gail Pickard, ABC have designed a multitude of opportunities for you to find that kind of satisfaction. 40 opportunities, to be exact. If ever there was a time for you to take advantage of all that you can get from IABC, it’s now.

So, without further ado, I invite you to mark this milestone by diving headfirst into your next career-building experience.


Presenting your 2020 calendar of inspiration:

(Note that we’ll be adding more content to this calendar throughout the year, and adding registration / signup details to specific items over time.)


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