Call for storytellers for the 2016 IABC/BC Signature Event

Back to Blogs Posted: February 10, 2016

Have a story to tell?

On April 14, 2015 IABC/BC will host its 4th annual signature event—an inspiring and entertaining evening of communicators sharing their career stories. This year the theme is “making my mark!” We’re looking for storytellers.

When did you feel you’d arrived as a professional communicator and solidified your reputation? When you went from uncertain to confident; from the shadows to the forefront? Was there a turning point or a challenge that required you to rise above, speak your mind, take control or swim upstream? Was it an opportunity you saw and seized or a wrong you righted? What did you learn and what can your moment teach others?

If you are a local professional communicator and have an authentic five minute story to tell on this theme, we want to hear from you by March 6th.

Here’s what we are looking for

  • Title of story and 100 word pitch
  • One references who can speak to your public speaking ability
  • Why you want to share your story (25 words or less)
  • Fill out a short application form

You must be available to attend the event on Thursday April 14th. Your story can’t be longer than 5 minutes and it must be told not read. Our panel will select 8 speakers. While being an IABC/BC member isn’t a requirement it will be a factor in the selection process.

For inspiration, check out our speaker videos from previous events from 2015 and 2014 courtesy of IABC/BC sponsors BaseTwo Media.

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