New Communicator Awards Program

Back to Blogs By Catherine Ducharme, IABC/BC President Posted: February 22, 2015

After much discussion our chapter board has decided not to proceed with the Bronze Quill Awards this year. However, we’ll continue to recognize and celebrate our amazing volunteers and our talented students and will add a new Communicator Awards Program to recognize communicators and their contributions. So our annual awards gala and networking event is definitely in the works.

The thinking is, as members you already have two stellar IABC award programs that recognize your work, the National Silver Leaf Awards and the International Gold Quill Awards. We’ll continue to support and promote your participation in them. Our chapter awards will focus on recognizing individuals. We’re leveraging the wisdom of other IABC chapters who have similar award programs in place.

Want to get involved? We’re looking for an energetic member to drive the new Communicator Awards Program. And we’re looking for 5 senior accredited members to establish evaluation criteria and evaluate the nominations.

Interested? Let Past-President Wendy Kubota know.

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