Q&A with Adam Brayford, IABC Gold Quill Award Winner

Back to Blogs Posted: January 10, 2018

Adam Brayford is a long-time IABC/BC member and volunteer. A panelist at the January 2018 chapter event, Go for the gold: Case study panel of BC’s award-winning communication work, Adam has gone for the gold. Several times. And he’s got the trophy shelf to prove it.

We caught up with Adam to learn more about his communications career, and why he participates in IABC award programs (because let’s be honest, those submissions take some serious work!):


IABC/BC: Adam, you’re currently the Assistant Director of Digital Strategy at Simon Fraser University. How did you get here from there?
AB: It’s been an amazing – and educational – journey. My first communications role was as Wildland Fire Information Officer with BC’s Ministry of Forests & Range.

IABC/BC: IABC award entries don’t have an “easy button.” What (or who) first motivated you to take the plunge and Go for the Gold?
AB: I got involved with the IABC/BC Board early in my career and all my mentors had won numerous Gold Quill awards. I saw the value in the strategy behind the award entry, and viewed it as an opportunity to prove to my employer that I was invested in my craft and interested in advancing in my profession. I ended up winning that first time and what an experience it was getting to attend the awards ceremony at the IABC World Conference!

IABC/BC: We’re curious (by nature). How many IABC awards have you collected? Have you needed to reinforce a trophy shelf to maintain all that hardware?
AB: Six! I keep them all obnoxiously visible on my office desk. Now my colleagues are entering this year and I get to share insights with them.

IABC/BC: Six and counting, if we were betting people. Do you have a favourite…that one award that stands out from the rest?
AB: That would have to be winning for SFU’s 50th Anniversary campaign, a project that took a lot of blood, sweat and tears (not to mention late nights). Getting that recognition for our strategy was a win for the whole team.

IABC/BC: We’re feeling inspired now. Any words of encouragement for those of us with shelf space to spare?
AB: It may be hard work, but it’s worth it! My Go for the Gold tip? The resources you’ll find on the Gold Quill website provide a great deal of insight into how to put your entry together.

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