Take the lead. Get noticed. Become a sponsor!

Back to Blogs Posted: April 4, 2017

Dare to Lead Call for SponsorsThe 2017 IABC Canada Western Region Dare to Lead conference in Vancouver (May 27-28, 2017) has a limited number of sponsorship opportunities available to boost your company profile among more than 60 of Western Canada’s most influential communicators. Sponsorship and support can be as little or as much as you decide. There are a number of sponsorship packages to choose from and we appreciate your support and generosity.

Why sponsor?

The Dare to Lead Conference is attended by IABC Board Members from six chapters in the four western provinces. These members are influencers and decision makers who lead purchases in a wide variety of products and services – strategic communications planning, public relations, advertising, graphic design, printing, audio visual, event planning, website development, digital and social media, and many others.

IABC Board Members work for the largest public and private corporations, small businesses and non-profit organizations in the industrial, health care, financial services, government, education, consumer products and technology sectors. These are leaders who execute strategic internal and external communication plans for corporations, governments, nonprofits, educational institutions and consulting firms across Western Canada.

Sponsorship packages

Compare sponsorship packages at a glance. To enquire about a sponsorship opportunity, please contact D2L@iabc.bc.ca.

PLATINUM ($2,500 or more)

  • Exclusive sponsorship of the reception
  • An invitation to the reception to mix and mingle with guests.
  • An opportunity to say a few words of welcome/promotion.
  • A table for promotional material at the reception and the conference.
  • The opportunity to introduce one of the keynote speakers during the conference.
  • GOLD sponsorship package benefits and recognition. See details below.

GOLD ($1,000 or more)

  • Your colour logo and link to your website on the conference website.
  • An opportunity to introduce one of the conference sessions.
  • An opportunity to include marketing material in the attendee registration packages.
  • Verbal recognition during conference by our Master of Ceremony (MC).
  • Your logo on the conference agenda.
  • Your logo on signage displayed during event.

SILVER* ($500 – $750)

  • Your logo and link to your website on the conference website.
  • Verbal recognition during conference by our MC.
  • An opportunity to introduce a speaker at a breakout session (and promote your company’s services).
  • An opportunity to provide one piece of marketing material in the attendee registration packages.
  • Your name on signage displayed during the event.

BRONZE* ($300)

$300 cash sponsorship may be used for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, paying for food, refreshments or supporting other activities. In return, we provide:

  • Your company name and link to your website on the conference and IABC/BC websites
  • Verbal recognition during conference by our MC
  • An opportunity to provide one piece of marketing material in the attendee registration packages
  • Your company name on signage displayed during the event

* We will be following non-competition rules when accepting these sponsorships. Only one company offering a particular communications product or service (e.g. graphic design, AV services) will be able to purchase at this level so you get the most bang for your buck and the recognition you deserve!

BRONZE AND “GREEN” (in-kind, valued at approximately $300)

$300 cash sponsorship may be used for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, paying for food, refreshments or supporting other activities. In return, we provide:

  • Your company name and link to your website on the conference and IABC/BC websites
  • Verbal recognition during conference by our MC
  • An opportunity to provide one piece of marketing material in the attendee registration packages
  • Your company name on signage displayed during the event
  • Distribute your branded product to conference attendees


$200 cash sponsorship or a door prize (valued at $200 or more) will be used for one of our six breakout sessions. In return, we provide:

  • Your company name and link to your website on the conference and IABC/BC websites.
  • Verbal recognition during conference by our MC.
  • An opportunity to provide one piece of marketing material in the attendee registration packages.


$100 cash contribution. In return, we provide:

  • Your company name on the conference website and on the IABC/BC website
  • Verbal recognition during conference by our MC

To enquire about a sponsorship opportunity, please contact D2L@iabc.bc.ca. Thank you for supporting the IABC Canada West Region Dare to Lead conference in Vancouver. 


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