Using networking to make your career go boom: a recap

Back to Blogs By Sheryl Gray, VP, Volunteer Services Posted: April 8, 2014

Did you know?

IABC/BC is completely led and run by volunteers. From president to webmaster to event planners to SIG leaders, our “workforce” is comprised of IABC/BC members.

Perks of membership

Volunteering with IABC/BC is one of the advantages to being a member. To some, this might sound like working for nothing. For others, like our 100-strong group of volunteer, this is all about learning, sharing, connecting and being a part of something meaningful and worthwhile.

Thank you!

The IABC/BC board of directors is tremendously appreciative of our volunteers. Last month, we got the chance to thank some of our volunteers with a free professional development event. Jonathan Anthony delivered a “storify” of past tweets for our “Power of networking: Make you career go BOOM!” presentation, which he subtitled “The curious shall inherit.”

Favourite take-aways:

“We are stronger together than being alone. Act of sharing (not doing) that gets you places.” – Josie Wichrowski

“Integrity is more important than experience; personality traits mean more than technical skills.” – Glauce Fleury

“A mantra for meaningful networking: How can I help? Many of the most connected people I know operate on some form of this idea. So simple. So true.” – Colin Miley

“Be boring (it’s the only way to get work done). – Anna Santiago

“Change happens on a 3-year-cycle. It’s important to change with this cycle, or you’ll stop bringing value.” – Monica Hartanto

“Sharing is the new save” and the quote from Chuck Close: “Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work.” – Sheryl Gray

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