Who evaluates my entry?

Judging panels are comprised of IABC members, each of whom must have met one or more of the following criteria:

  • 10 years of industry experience
  • Accredited Business Communicator (ABC) designation
  • Prior IABC Quill Award winner

Judges are unbiased professionals who are experienced in various communication capacities. Judges’ decisions are final.


How are entries scored?

For Division 1, 2 and 4 entries entries, 50 percent of the score is based on the work plan and 50 percent on the work sample. For Division 3 entries, 35 percent of the score is based on the work plan and 65 percent on the work sample.


What’s the difference between an Award of Merit and an Award of Excellence?

Scoring is based on a scale from 0 to 7. All entries with a final score of 5 to 5.49 receive a Bronze Quill Award of Merit. Entries scoring 5.5 and above receive a Bronze Quill Award of Excellence, representing the highest level of communication excellence. There is no award for entries with a score below 5.


What if I am disqualified?

Any entry that does not comply with the requirements specified in the Call for Entries will be disqualified. Notification will be made but entry fees won’t be refunded.


Can I get my entry back?

Entry materials will not be returned so be sure to keep a copy of everything you have submitted.


Will I get feedback about my entry?

All entrants receive valuable feedback on their submission, regardless of whether or not they win an award.


Who can I contact for more information?

Contact Erin Driscoll at (604) 561-4088 or by email.


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