It was a big year for IABC/BC! We pushed the needle forward and launched a few transformational initiatives that will keep our chapter moving forward.
On Thursday June 22, chapter President Sarah Parker provided a recap of the year, including our achievements, highlights, challenges and financial results. Members in attendance also voted on new business and officially ratified the 2017/18 IABC/BC board slate.
2016/17 Highlights
So, how did we do? Here’s a quick snapshot of our achievements this year:
- Continued to see success with our Special Interest Groups (SIGs), which generated $450 in revenue this year
- Hosted the first ever New Communicators speed networking event with CPRS
- Grew Mentorship/Gift of Communications Program to seven non-profit organizations
- Offered the CMP exam for the first time to three participants (all passed!)
- Held the world’s largest Gold Quill Blue Ribbon Panel Judging Session for the second time
- Received in-kind sponsorship of $49,650, and increased our Jobline revenue by 17%
- Re-launched the Connect newsletter using the MailChimp platform, which allowed for more attractive templates
- Received three Chapter Management Award (Excellence) for Financial Management (x2) and Sponsorship at the Leadership Institute in Dallas, Texas
- Launched a successful blog platform on
- Welcomed 80 chapter leaders from across Western Canada for the Dare to Lead Conference
- Held a successful volunteer recognition event for the chapter’s 60 volunteers
Learn more
Missed the AGM and want to hear more? Download the IABC:BC 2017 AGM presentation deck.