Expand your network and grow your career with IABC/BC: Calling for speakers interested in presenting at our upcoming Professional Development events!

Back to Blogs Posted: December 15, 2023

IABC/BC Call for Speakers is an open invitation to all business professional communicators, thought leaders, executives, consultants, and academics. We are interested to share and hold discussions about your stories and breakthrough teachings in showcasing your expertise and ideas to our Professional Development themes this year.

At IABC/BC, we’re dedicated to providing engaging, valuable, and diverse events to help our members grow their communications and marketing knowledge, skills and connections.

If you’re interested in presenting in alignment with the following Professional Development themes, please submit the form before or by Wednesday December 27, 2023.

Three focuses:

  • Theme: Influential Leadership Communication
    Effective leadership and communication skills help build trust, motivate teams, and drive positive outcomes within an organization. 
  • Theme: Advanced Storytelling Strategies

Setting yourself apart from story telling creates a more intricate and captivating narratives that resonates at a deeper level about your message to your audience.

  • Theme: Data-Driven Communication

Incorporating data into communication strategies enables evidence-based decision-making, allowing communicators to refine their messaging, target audiences more effectively, and demonstrate the impact of their efforts.

Events will take place in February, March, and May 2024.

Submit your application to speak today and share your experiences with our network of members and participants.

Our Professional Events are aligned to the IABC Global Standard, defined by communication professionals around the world who embrace a shared career purpose and six core Principles as the building blocks of their work. Applying that standard enables us to cross all borders, align with diverse cultures and effectively serve organizations of all types and sizes.

Thank you for your interest!

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