Feedback on the 2023 Mentorship Program

Back to Blogs By Liana Boswell Posted: November 23, 2023

Professional woman sits at table in front of laptop, across from professional man

Communications is a two-way street, that’s why IABC/BC is proud to announce that we got some great feedback from our formal mentorship program that took place in April-June 2023. And because we believe in open and honest communication, we’ll show you the good, the meh, and where improvement is needed.


  • 7/23 Mentees responded to our survey.
  • They rated 4/5 satisfaction with the program.
  • 5 of the mentees gave the program a 4+ rating.


  • 10/23 Mentors responded to our survey.
  • They rated 4/5 satisfaction with the program.
  • 8 of the mentors gave the program a 4+ rating.

When asked if they met their goals, 43% of the mentees responded “Yes!” The next most popular answer was “Mostly”, or “Still in the mentorship process”.

“This is a great program that provides valuable insight in career development and direction as well as a way to grow your network.” – Mentee

Every year, we’ll start off with a virtual kick-off event and provide a mentorship tool kit. Here’s what participants had to say about the program length, kick-off event, and the resources provided.


  • 3/5 mentees thought the program was too short.
  • 2 said the kick-off event was too long or they’d rather focus on something different.
  • Most said they found additional resources to use and applied multiple techniques!


  • 5/10 mentors thought the program was too short.
  • 2 said the kick-off needs a different focus.
  • Our brand-new Tool Kit was a crowd-pleaser. Which is great to hear!

Overall, our program was very well-received. It’s not surprising that IABC/BC has one of the most popular mentorship programs in the communications industry. If you’re a young professional or student, take this opportunity to leverage a community that is dedicated to supporting you in your career and network growth!

Visit our mentorship program web page to learn more and/or sign up!

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