A weak point for many communicators is measurement. After all, you likely didn’t go into communications because you love math. While we can all agree that measurement is important for success, it can be a challenge to do it well.
Come share your thoughts and experiences around what, how and when to measure to ensure communications success.
About this SIG:
Our IABC/BC Health SIG offers an informal, confidential and supportive venue to receive feedback and exchange ideas on day-to-day challenges in health communications. We strive to be inclusive — all are welcome to attend from students to senior practitioners and those looking for a career change into health communications. No problem is too small or too big to warrant input and discussion. We strive to keep sessions focused, constructive and relevant.
Topics we might tackle include: working with health professionals, measurement, communicating change, keeping health story telling fresh, public education campaigns, stakeholder engagement, and digital tools to reach diverse audiences.
Members: FREE
Non-Members: $20
Light snacks provided.