How to get employee attention when everyone’s so busy
The workplace today is both exciting and terrifying. Never before has there been so much information coming our way. Never before has there been so much pointless distraction. Which means Internal Communicators must carefully juggle how to get important information out to staff – without overloading or annoying them.
In this refreshing session hosted by seasoned internal communications pro, Sarah Perry, CEO of SnapComms, you’re given a comprehensive overview on how to get the right message, to the right people, at the right time. She’ll walk you through the easiest and best communication tools and tactics – many of which are completely free and often forgotten! She’ll also explain the value of “considerate communications,” i.e. understanding the context staff receive messages, and why one-size-no-longer-fits-all when reaching out to five generations of workers. This session is perfect for IC veterans to newcomers.

Sarah Perry
Presenter/Sarah Perry, CEO of SnapComms, has spent the last 10 years working alongside many of the world’s largest organizations to improve their internal communications. With an engineering and business background,Perry’s proved to have the perfect blend to co-found an innovative business which has grown to become a leading global internal communications software company, and winner of the 2015 ICT Exporter of the Year Award. She is a sought-after speaker and commentator on IC.
Free to IABC members