Reflecting on National Volunteer Week in 2021

Back to Blogs By José Vargas, Incoming President Posted: April 23, 2021

When I think about this year’s National Volunteer Week theme, The Value of One, The Power of Many, there is no better group to exemplify this than the IABC/BC volunteer team and, more specifically, our volunteer Board. You see, volunteering in a time of crisis is, in my opinion, the ultimate calling to volunteer. 

This chapter year, our community faced challenges that, in our 40+ year history, we have never had to deal with before. One in particular hits at the core of our definition of community: not being able to spend time together, in person. This, in my opinion, has to be the perennial and most defining challenge of our year. How did we face and conquer this? By giving new meaning to being together:

  • Constant check-ins, whether on zoom calls, Basecamp messages and even physically distanced visits;
  • Care and understanding for one another, and for the individual struggles we’ve faced collectively;
  • Zoom backgrounds, snap cam filters, pets, families, favourite office lamps and always finding a reason to smile or have a laugh;
  • A common purpose in what we do: giving back to our professional community.

While we have not been physically together this past year, we have accomplished something that is hard to—even in non-physically-distanced times. We have collectively given our peers and friends across the province an opportunity to share, engage and be heard by their community. This may sound simple but we all know how complex of a task it has been to pull off.

This is why I would like to thank all of you, my peers, my friends, my fellow volunteers. For you have given me a sense of purpose and community in a year when I needed it most. Happy National Volunteer week 2021! When I look back at this chapter year, I will do so with wonderful memories of collaboration, creativity, inspiration and, most importantly, kind and good people with the best intentions and determination to make a difference. Thank you.

The value of one person responding to a communications colleague who is going through a difficult moment in their career

The power of many people working to create opportunities for professionals in our field to shine and be noticed by their community and beyond.



José Vargas, Incoming President



Will you join us?

Interested in applying or nominating someone to next year’s IABC/BC Board?

Take a look at Board roles becoming available at the end of this chapter year. Also, get in touch with José to learn more and have a good ol’ chat.

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