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April 10th, 2018    
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Stories have been used to pass down lessons, history and knowledge for thousands of years. They’re also more interesting than a memo or a brochure, and thus have a longer shelf life in the memories of readers. But how do you make tales of system change rival bestselling titles in terms of readership? How do you keep the story authentic while keeping your brand integrity? Where do you find stories that are worth telling? What can you do to ease the story approval process?

Join Diane Wild (Freelance Communications Consultant, Diane Wild Communications) and Shannon Henderson (Senior Communications Consultant, Fraser Health) as they host a discussion about what it takes to get patients and staff (and leaders) to follow you down the Yellow Brick Road.


About the Health SIG:

Our IABC/BC Health SIG offers an informal, confidential and supportive venue to receive feedback and exchange ideas on day-to-day challenges in health communications. We strive to be inclusive — all are welcome to attend from students to senior practitioners and those looking for a career change into health coms. No problem is too small or too big to warrant input and discussion. We strive to keep sessions focused, constructive and relevant.



Members: FREE
Non-Members: $20

Light snacks will be be provided.

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