New to Communications

Even with a ton of skills and work experience under your belt, making a career change mid-stream is a tough gig. See how some of our members have managed the transition.



Sheryl Gray

Sheryl Gray: “Delivering a Healthy Career Change”

In the face of personal crisis, Sheryl takes a huge leap of faith to realize her professional dreams.

Read Sheryl’s full #myIABCstory


Some facts about Sheryl

Current position: Independent writer and editor
IABC member since: August 2011
Biggest help in getting established: Surrounding myself with established communicators through IABC volunteer work.

Twitter: @shrlgray
LinkedIn: Sheryl Gray



Lydia Tay

Lydia Tay: “Starting over in Vancouver”

A young communicator rewrites her career in Vancouver.

Read Lydia’s full #myIABCstory


Some facts about Lydia

Current position: Manager, Talent Acquisition and Employee Engagement, Paper Excellence
IABC member since: 2012
Biggest help in getting established: Biggest help in getting established: Networking, asking seasoned communicators for a little face time to understand the industry, and being pleasantly surprised when they agreed!

Twitter: @_lydia_t
LinkedIn: Lydia Tay


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